Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease & Treatments: Key Findings from the 2024 National Poll

Welcome to the first installment of our five-part series on the national perception of Alzheimer’s disease and progress in finding effective treatments. In this series, we will delve into the insights from a comprehensive national poll conducted by FTP Insights and Accelerate Advocacy in May 2024. This poll surveyed 1,028 registered voters to understand their views on Alzheimer’s, their knowledge about current treatments, and their support for new therapeutic approaches. Over the next few weeks, we’ll explore these themes in depth, providing valuable information and insights to help shape the future of Alzheimer’s research and advocacy. This blog overviews the critical findings from the 2024 national poll on Alzheimer’s disease.

High Levels of Concern

Alzheimer’s disease is a significant concern for American voters, comparable to cancer in perceived seriousness. Nine in ten voters (94%) consider Alzheimer’s a serious health condition, indicating a deep-rooted awareness of its impact. This high concern underscores the urgent need for continued focus and resources to combat this illness​​.

Personal Connection

The poll revealed that Alzheimer’s disease is not a distant issue for Americans; it hits close to home. A substantial 43% of voters personally know someone with Alzheimer’s, and 25% are or have been caregivers for someone with the disease in the past two years. This personal connection amplifies the urgency felt by the public regarding the need for effective treatments and support systems​​.

Knowledge Gaps

Despite the high levels of concern and personal connection, the general public's knowledge about Alzheimer’s treatments remains low. Only a tiny percentage of voters (7%) feel they know "a lot" about current therapies, less than half (41%) feel they have some understanding. This gap in knowledge presents significant challenges for families facing new diagnoses, and combined with the high levels of concern, underscores the need for more education on the subject among people across all demographics.

Support for New Treatments

Voters (76%) overwhelmingly support the exploration of new treatment options for Alzheimer’s, particularly those focusing on vascular health and overall brain blood flow. This support highlights a public willingness to embrace innovative approaches that could improve patient outcomes and quality of life. The belief in the importance of blood flow to the brain as a critical factor in Alzheimer’s further emphasizes this point​​.

Quality of Life

One of the most compelling findings from the poll is the value voters place on treatments that enhance the quality of life for Alzheimer’s patients. Attributes such as prolonging a patient’s independence, allowing them to live more normal lives, and improving day-to-day functioning are highly prioritized. This focus on quality of life suggests that treatments to improve daily living conditions could gain substantial public support​​.

Looking Ahead

In our upcoming posts, we will dive deeper into each of these themes:

  1. Why Alzheimer's is a National Priority: We will explore the statistics behind the widespread concern and why it should be a top public health priority.

  2. Awareness of Current Treatments: We’ll discuss the low awareness levels of current treatments and what can be done to bridge this knowledge gap.

  3. New Treatment Enthusiasm: We’ll dive into the enthusiasm behind a desire to find new avenues of treatment, especially those focusing on the connection between vascular health and cognitive decline.

  4. Patient and Caregiver Priorities: We’ll examine what patients and caregivers value most in new treatments and how these insights can guide future research.

Stay tuned for these detailed discussions and sign up for our updates to ensure you don’t miss any part of this important series. By understanding and addressing these critical issues, we can make meaningful strides in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.


The 2024 national poll highlights the urgent need for continued education and innovation in Alzheimer’s treatment. Given how many voters are personally dealing with the disease, and high level of concern, the development of new and varied therapies is crucial. By understanding and addressing the public’s concerns and knowledge gaps, we can make meaningful strides in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

Sign up now to ensure you don’t miss the next blog in this series or future blogs from The Heart of the Solution!


2024 Poll Insights Part II: Why Alzheimer's Disease Should Be a National Priority


Unlocking New Treatments in the Fight Against Alzheimer's Through Vascular Health